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NOW, before you go, if you’d like even MORE ideas on what yoga is, and what it’s all about, from the DSL & Let-Go Yoga Perspective, why not sign up for the FREE e-Course on the 9 Natural Laws of Yoga? (It’s in the Blue & Yellow box below on this page.) These ideas & insights will add even more to your knowledge of how yoga REALLY works, and what it can be based on from a Western point-of-view.
MORE on Yoga for the WEST of US
You’ll get a range of ideas of how to Think & Feel about yoga, and what it’s good for, especially for the Western Body, Mind & Culture. (We don’t teach you what you should feel, only ways of finding your own path in yoga.) It will come via your e-mail box, one “Law” every three days for a total of ten messages (including the initial welcome message. And of course, there is an UN-Subscribe link at bottom of every message. So if your e-mail box is getting too full, you can just click the link and UN-subscribe anytime you like. I’ll just disappear from your e-mail box at the Click of a Link!
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Thank You Very Much,
David Scott Lynn (DSL)
DSL: Your Hi-Touch Up-Link to Your Inner-Net
Inner-Net = Your Psycho-Neuro-Musculo-Fascial System
- Only YOU Can Prevent Yoga Injuries! - February 6, 2015
- Does Psoas Cause Lordosis? - June 11, 2014
- MyoFascial Facts & Fallacies - June 7, 2014