• Yoga Teachers & Yoga Therapists • Massage/Bodywork Therapists •
Pilates Instructors • Health Care Professionals • Personal Trainers & Fitness Coaches Using “Conscious Stretching” • Serious Students & Practitioners of Yoga
the Human BodyMind will GREATLY benefit for reading this e-book.
Application of these Teachings will take Yoga to new heights in the Western World. The DSL Method [of yoga] is profoundly sensical.
Lesli Hunter • Yoga Teacher & Student
Sedona, Arizona
(NOTE: “DSL” refers to me, the author of The Simple Steps and creator of The DSL Method of Yoga/ Bodywork/ Whole Health Principles, Practices & Therapeutics)
For the Thinking, Feeling,
Action Oriented Individual
In Modern, Western Society
Discover & Release Your Built-In-By-Nature, Self-Healing Powers with Let-Go Yoga Basics
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302 pages Available for PDF Download Direct to Your Computer
Physical/Mental Yoga & Let-Go Yoga Basics
Foundations of Yoga Therapy || Yoga Injury Prevention
I read David Scott Lynn’s e-book which I highly recommend for every Massage Therapist [and Yoga Teacher] and I was amazed at how intricately he delves into and emphasizes, over and over from various angles, how our work mostly works to affect the Nervous System in a variety of ways. … He explains nervous system and myofascial relationships brilliantly!
Doctor Michael Koplen
Chiropractor & Former Massage Therapist
Capitola, California
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In the Simple Steps to Let-Go Yoga Basics,
You’ll Discover NEW INSIGHTS INTO:
How Chronic, Excess Muscle & Nerve Tension & Stress Cause Many or Most of Them
The TRUE Source of Effortless, Upright Posture & Fluid, Energized & Powerful Actions
They are NOT the Same & Require VERY Different Inputs: You Need them BOTH
Having had experience with many different bodyworkers, David’s technique is certainly unique. There are levels of healing he achieves I’ve never seen before. This is clearly a result of a vast knowledge of anatomy and physiology combined with decades of hands-on experience.
Dr. John Bordiuk, Nutritionally Oriented M.D. & Yoga Teacher
Inner Balance Med, Wellesley, MA (Greater Boston Area)
I have worked with many soft tissue therapists over the years. David Scott Lynn is the only one educated and skilled enough to do what I want with full confidence that the job will be done. My patients definitely feel the difference.
Gary Fujinami • Doctor of Chiropractic
East West Chiropractic & Acupuncture Center
Prescott, Arizona
The DSL Method of Let-Go Yoga gives YOU the Principles & Techniques allowing you to Maximize Your Results while Minimizing Potential Injuries in yoga, stretching and exercise.
Based on REAL sciences of the neuromuscular & myofascial systems of the human body, you will have deeper insights and more accurate knowledge into what works, and what does NOT work, in yoga, stretching & exercise.
Knowing the fundamentals of how the human bodymind works, and how yoga, stretching & exercise interface with your human physiology gives you far greater ability to assess & develop postural yoga strategies for your Students, Clients and Patients.
But first, WHAT IS Yoga in the context we are using it?
A Western Definition of Physical/Mental Yoga
The word YOGA itself, in the context presented here, means:
- Increasing your ability to Pay Attention To & Take Effective Action upon the various functions and structures of your Body & Mind. … This is one important form of meditation.
- Increasing the Coordination & Harmonization of your various mental & physical systems.
- Increasing & Optimizing your Internal Power, Strength, Flexibility & Coordination
- Seeing the emotional* connections underlying all human feeling, thinking & action.
- Therefore enhancing ALL the activities of your Life, and/or minimizing any negative results you might experience in any of those activities.
- And, yoga can be used as a healing agent for any problems emerging from the psycho-neuro-musculo-fascial system. And there are a LOT of those. The principles of Yoga Injury Prevention are an important element to learning about the therapeutic aspects of yoga, as well.
* Emotional means, etymologically, To Bring Forth Action. … Emotion is mostly physical, not “just” a “mental event” with a feeling attached. It is NOT just a “sideshow” going on in the background. Emotion, according to much modern science and neurology, is the foundation of all human feeling, thinking & action.
These intentions & results are based on widely accepted principles of modern medical sciences: The e-book goes deeply into how the human neuro-muscular & myofascial systems actually work, and how the conscious and subconscious minds control the nerves and therefore muscles.
These are concepts found in well established medical textbooks, including the latest development in neurology. Problem is, you really have to search through a LOT of material to find the Key Scientific Concepts applying to yoga, yoga therapy and yoga-based, hands-on bodywork. So far, no medical textbook I know of actually and directly discusses how their studies apply to yoga, yoga therapy, massage & bodywork, and so on.
So it takes some time & resources to find the relevant materials. And, you have to have a pretty good idea of what you are looking for in the first place. In some cases, it was YEARS before I found the documentation I was looking for.
Yet as I am a bodyworker too, I was fortunate to stumble upon the works of people like Ray Nimmo, a Chiropractor who developed a system of hands-on therapy called Receptor-Tonus Technique. His writings and teachings went extensively into the physiology of how therapy worked. Fortunately, I realized the very same principles Nimmo applied to hands-on work also applied to yoga and yoga therapy.
So Nimmo’s writings gave me many clues on what to search for in the orthodox medical libraries.
With 18 years experience in the health care professions, I appreciate soundly re-searched & scientifically based approaches to rehabilitation. The DSL Method of BodyWork [and yoga] has expanded and refined my understanding and applications for achieving postural correctness and pain relief in less time. David has a unique way of reiterating known fundamental laws, redefining erroneous concepts, and instructing the participants through a successful treatment program.
Al Cujas • Physical Therapist
A.T.C., N.M.T., Former NMT Instructor
Winston Salem, North Carolina
One of the Keys to my writing this e-book is that being a hands-on, clinical bodyworker and working side-by-side with several “alternative” medical and osteopathic physicians, and several chiropractors, gave me a much wider perspective & range of experience than I would have gotten being a yoga teacher only.
This e-book is the result of ideas gathered from much direct, one-on-one clinical experience, and a wide range of therapies including
- Massage & Bodywork
- Yoga & Yoga Therapy
- Chiropractic & Osteopathy
- Naturopathy & Homeopathy
- Working with Alternative Medical Doctors
What I received from DSL — I received a better understanding of how to effectively stretch the body and to stretch muscles that I have had a hard time getting to, or didn’t even consider to be a vital component of a potential structural problem. I was more aligned after his session and had a better idea of what I needed to do to take responsibility for not only my own body but my life and to make more effective decisions for myself and my life. I felt very empowered on many levels. I highly recommend Davids hands-on work and his classes to anyone looking to better their life and to make positive changes.
Brian Wellenstein
Omaha, Nebraska
You did for me in 4 hours what physiotherapy couldn’t do in 4 years. And, you gave me the tools to continue working on my own.
Michelle Sands • Yoga Teacher
Montreal, Quebec
David’s work is amazing! A year ago I was hardly able to move due to severe back pain (this was not the first time). The doctor prescribed, once again, physical therapy and though I practiced these PT techniques for months, my pain grew stronger and my ability to move lessened. I then hired David Scott Lynn and within a short time I not only felt relief, but my standing, walking, sitting, and moving postures had improved. Now, 12 months later, I seldom feel pain and move with ease, freedom, and flexibility; moving in ways I never imagined were possible a year ago. Thanks to David, I have a daily pain-free yoga, standing, walking, and sitting practice, and I have new methods to share with my students. David’s knowledge is extraordinary! David’s techniques work!
Diana T. Kyricos
Kripalu Yoga & Pilates Instructor
Chelmsford, Massachusetts
I found that combining David’s bodywork with chiropractic adjustments gave me deep releases that I never experienced before. David’s teaching and understanding of the body in a practical yet yogic way, totally fills in the gaps I’ve always found between yoga, anatomy, common sense & practical living.
William Don Johnson • Yoga Teacher
Sedona, Arizona
SO . . . WHAT Would It FEEL Like . . .
For YOU or YOUR Clients & Students . . . ???
… To have ALL (or most) Tension & Stress Minimized or Dissolved?
… To Sit & Stand with Effortless Great Posture?
… To have ALL Muscles Moving Freely, Fluidly, with Full Energy?
… To Minimize Effects of Negative Habit Patterns?
Are You or any of Your Clients or Students experiencing the following?
• Are Your Muscles Too Achy or Painful?
• Is it Too Difficult to Stand or Sit Straight?
• Do You Lose Your Balance easily, or have Lost Coordination?
• Do You Feel Too Tense or Stressed?
• Are You Too Stiff to Move or Bend Your Joints?
• Do You Have “Mystery Pains” that Just WON’T Go Away?
• Does Your or Your Client’s Body do THIS when you want to do THAT?
Are You or Your Clients Afraid that someday, they might Look or Feel like THIS? . . .

Just Don’t Do It: No More Aging nor Yoga Injury
A PRIMARY Focus of Physical, Postural Yoga Is . . .
Maybe, if someone feels like our little stick person above (I used to feel like that many years ago myself), just maybe they have too much Chronic, Excess Muscle & Nerve Tension & Stress?
(Or C.E.M.&.N.T. for short, because “cement” [or wires & cables, rocks & knots — pick your favorite analogy] is what some people’s muscles, fascia & joints feel like.)
Or maybe, even if you DON’T feel like him right now, you want to make sure it never happens to you?
IF You’ve Got Too Much C.E.M.&.N.T.,
or think you might have it someday
(most of us will, eventually, if we do not use
effective TRS or Tension Reduction Strategies),
shouldn’t you be discovering just WHAT that is,
and how to LET-GO of that Tension???
Or be able to teach it to your Clients & Students?
And maybe learn why quite a lot of modern, popular yoga, stretching, exercise, Pilates, etc., do NOT necessarily help reduction of C.E.M.&.N.T. … and often make it worse? …
NO, they aren’t all the same. There are vast differences between and within the many various styles and systems of yoga or stretching available today. There’s a wide variety — and much “competition” among them — even in India, too.
For most people, the FIRST thing they run into while sinking into a yoga pose, stretch or exercise is the tension in their muscles.
Very few people understand the causes and implications of C.E.M.&.N.T., so it’s not easy to learn how to deal with it. And medical doctors do not recognize C.E.M.&.N.T. as a problem either because in itself, C.E.M.&.N.T. (tight muscles) is NOT a pathological state. So it escapes detection by the orthodox medical systems.
Tight muscles might be causing a pathological state, but they are not themselves necessarily IN a pathological state. That’s one reason so many doctors “can’t find anything.” It’s because they look for a “pathological state” to pin the blame on. But sometimes, the root cause is NOT in itself pathological.
Paradoxically, even some world-renowned yoga teachers have accumulated too much C.E.M.&.N.T. — some of them to the point of needing (or so they thought) joint or disc surgeries — and would you not think THEY of all people would know what C.E.M.&.N.T. is and how to avoid all that?

VERY Relaxed Kitty Doing Yoga Therapy
Sadly, all too few yoga teachers, massage therapists, bodyworkers, physical therapists, personal trainers, even most physicians, don’t know very much about C.E.M.&.N.T., let alone what to do with it.
And I’ll tell you the NOT-so-Secret right now:
It is to a GREAT degree ALL about RELAXATION, about LETTING GO of accumulated and excess tension and stress in the body.
In many cases, THE SOLUTION is to just Relax, Lengthen & Balance the muscles. When you do that, MANY problems just go away. That’s unfortunately too simple for most medically trained individuals to assimilate. They are used to expensive machinery and tests to find pathology, then prescribe drugs or surgery to solve those problems.
But sometimes, the simple & obvious is beyond many people’s ability to see.
David Scott Lynn is a bodyworker extraordinaire. His knowledge of the structure of the body and the way the muscles cooperate with each other in their movement has prompted us to put him on our faculty as the anatomy professor in our Yoga Teacher Training Program. His work is state of the art and goes way beyond most traditional understanding of how the physical body operates. His patience and genius in working on me has changed my awareness of myself. His work is lasting and his selflessness is amazing.
Gary Majchrzak • Co-Director
7 Centers Yoga Arts • Sedona, Arizona
[Gary is no longer a Director, nor do I teach, at 7 Centers]
Now, with the Simple Steps to Let-Go Yoga, YOU can become more knowledgeable than many, if not most, about how these things actually work:
See the CONCISE, 100page Version for Your KINDLE at Amazon |
David’s passionate interest in anatomy and physiology as they relate to yoga has sparked my own curiosity and deeper investigation into these areas. His depth of understanding as to how the body operates, and how it responds to yoga practice filled gaps in my own understanding as a yoga teacher. I like his 10 principles [now 12 Principles] for maximizing results and preventing injuries while practicing yoga asana [postures], which emphasize safety and honor individual needs. David’s experience as a yoga teacher, bodyworker, trainer, and passionate student of the human body make him a valuable resource for yoga teachers [or practitioners] looking to expand their knowledge and learn sound principles on which to practice and teach yoga. I appreciate that David encouraged us never to just accept his ideas on anatomy and yoga, but to test them for ourselves, in our own bodies and with our students.
Ben Cohen • Yoga Teacher
Newton, Massachusetts
Why NO Pain Means MORE GAIN:
A Central Feature of Let-Go Yoga
Many articles and reports on yoga and stretching say they “do not work” because stretching a muscle triggers a stretch reflex, which automatically causes the muscle to contract. That’s what happens at the doctor’s office when he tests your reflexes by tapping below your knee cap with his little mallet and your leg jerks. Hitting the knee cap tendon caused a stretch reflex, causing your leg to jump when the associated muscle tightened as a reflex reaction.
And it’s true, MANY people doing yoga are triggering stretch reflexes all of the time, and are indeed causing the muscles to react by tightening rather than relaxing. Just because one is getting more flexible does NOT mean they are also getting “more relaxed.” That is in many cases a paradoxical illusion.
That stretch reflex reaction (tightening) is the exact opposite of what you’re trying to accomplish in yoga. And you know what? A lot of people, if not most, unconsciously DO that reflexive tightening when they stretch or do yoga. They are pushing themselves so hard they are triggering that stretch reflex. But it is often so subtle they don’t even notice it.
The trick is, how do you prevent that stretch reflex from happening in yoga?
The Simple Steps to Let-Go Yoga tells you how.
Also, when you’re in pain, or even uncomfortable, how easy is it for YOU to relax? Do you think it’s any different for your muscles? In fact, we could argue that your muscles are FAR more reactive to excess stretching than you can even remotely be conscious of. That’s because MOST of the nerves reporting tightness and pain to NOT communicate much with the conscious prat of the brain and mind.
MOST of what goes on in the human bodymind goes on with NO conscious awareness. … So you MUST be extra careful if you want to protect yourself, and get the maximum results.
When you read the Simple Steps to Let-Go Yoga, you’ll learn about Edges of Pain & Resistance, or Fears (such as that you’ll hurt yourself), that define the limits of what’s healthy for you to work with at any given moment. You’ll learn about “desensitization,” preventing you from feeling some VERY important feedbacks from your body, and what to do about it.
And to a great degree, this is what makes “yoga” be “yoga.” Because to a great degree, yoga is about becoming more conscious of what you’ve not noticed before. In a certain way, this all happens at The Edge, and that’s the place where your mind and body come into close communication with each other.
And Oh YEAH, what IS the difference between “Yoga” and “ROS” (Regular Old Stretching) anyway? … You’ll find out when you read this book!
LEARNING HOW to Feel, Relax, Lengthen & Balance
A Relaxed, Lengthened & Balanced body, with a fully aware and “tuned in” mind that can truly Feel what your body is doing, gives you a great foundation for other exercise too, such as for Strength, Endurance & Cardiovascular health. But if your muscles get too tight over the years, all the strength in the world will not do you much good. Your muscles will get too “locked up,” literally “jammed up” within themselves, to deliver any internal muscular power into outward movement and action, no matter how much fundamental power you might actually have.
Yet having a practice you do several times a week that dissolves those accumulating tensions & stresses, and increases your ability to feel sensations and feedback, will assist you in ALL aspects of your life, even sitting at a desk for hours on end:

In reading the Simple Steps to Let-Go Yoga, you will learn where Effortless Great Posture and Fluid Movement REALLY come from.
SO … if you want to Discover the Process of Letting-Go of those tensions & stresses, I have written Simple Steps to Let-Go Yoga to get you on the path.
OKAY, so what exactly is this Simple Steps to Let-Go Yoga?
Well, you don’t even have to call it yoga, if you don’t want to. You can call it, for example …
Conscious Stretching
It’s about bringing your mind into your muscles so they work better together.
And the more you do this Conscious Attention process with your muscles when you stretch, the better they’ll work when you exercise, too!
See the CONCISE, 100 page Version for Your KINDLE at Amazon |
If you want more insight into what’s in the e-book, here is the extensive, and detailed Table of Contents:
I could go on and on about what’s in the e-book. But if you just went ahead and bought the thing, you’d already be most of the way through the first chapter by now. So please give it a shot.
And if you do not think it was worth the cost of a couple of yoga classes, then please let me know, and we will figure out what I need to do to make it right.
Thanks for Reading,
David Scott Lynn (DSL*)
* DSL: Your Hi-Touch Up-Link to the Inner-Net**
** Inner-Net: Your Psycho-Neuro-Musculo-Fascial System
- Only YOU Can Prevent Yoga Injuries! - February 6, 2015
- Does Psoas Cause Lordosis? - June 11, 2014
- MyoFascial Facts & Fallacies - June 7, 2014
Just turned on the computer and Surprise…Looks very very good, Dave.
Will look at other one also. Love, MOM and DAD