WELCOME to Your Min-e-Course! I’m glad you made it!

This web page will give you ideas and information on how best to use your Min-e-Courses.

This e-mail also covers all the Legal Stuff I’m required to inform you of.

If you already know about things like Whitelisting, and how to Organize Your e-Mails when they arrive from me to your e-mailbox, and if you already trust that I’m not going to be spamming you, or you’re clear on my Legal Policies, then you probably don’t need to read any farther. But if you are not familiar with such things, please read on …


An UN-SUBSCRIBE Link is at the BOTTOM of EACH E-MAIL You Receive.


WHITE-LISTING … Making Sure You Get the Messages I Send You:

1.) You may have heard of White-listing. To reduce SPAM as much as possible, many internet service providers
automatically delete any messages they suspect to be SPAM. A computer does that, and it does not know you. As a result, a LOT of what they call False Positives get
deleted before they even reach your e-mail box. You’ll never even know they were sent to you. This is good for keeping too much SPAM from showing up in your e-box, not so good if you actually want what you have signed up for. … Like this series of articles.

To make sure messages from me get through the spam
filters to your e-mail box, it is recommended you add me
to the Address Book or Contact List at your e-mail service
provider and the e-mail program on your computer.
Here is a link to a description of how to do all that:


2.) Also … Please put me in the Address Book of your
program that is actually on your computer (Like
Apple Mail, Outlook, etc.). That prevents *spam mistakes*
from being happening on your computer.

If you are on a Mac … you would go to Contacts (formerly
Address Book and separate from Apple Mail) and add me there.
Or, there is a menu right in Apple Mail allowing you to add me
to Contacts (Address Book) right from your Mail program.
There is also more info on how to do all that at the above
linked web page on white-listing.

 If you use Windows on a PC … The Whitelisting page will
tell you how to manage that. Yet you should be able to access an
address book or contact list through your e-mail program, and
put me in there.

3.) Next Item, Please Go to the section of your e-mail
program that manages NEW FOLDERS or DIRECTORIES.
(If any of this is new to you, there should be a HELP
button or menu you can search for HELP on how
to do this.)

Create a New Folder and name it something like DSL or
DSL Yoga or Let-Go Yoga, or what ever works for you.
This way, whenever you receive a message from me, you
can move it to that Mailbox Folder and be able to refer
back to it when necessary.

Okay {!firstname}, I’ll wait right here till you get
that done …

<<<tap, tap, tap>>>

GOOD! No time like the present, right?

Now, whenever a message from me comes in, you can place
it in that Folder — after you read it, of course. You never
know when you will want to re-read it or forward it to
a friend.

in each message, but here it is, just in case:

LEGAL and MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This content is offered
under 1st Amendment Rights to Free Speech and is presented
for informational purposes ONLY. It is NOT intended to offer
a diagnosis or to recommend or suggest treatment for any
illness or disease. It is NOT intended to replace the advice
of a competent doctor who is trained in the sciences &
skills related to the ideas described herein.

If you feel you have an illness or disease, please consult
your physician regarding, and BEFORE, the application of
any of the information presented herein.

This information DOES NOT constitute an offer to provide
any kind of personal services other than the information
provided via these e-mails and any related web sites or
information products. — Please feel free to ask your
physician to contact us if he or she has any questions
about this information.

And here is the Complete Disclaimer Access Page:

Legal Notices & Disclaimers


Here is my Brief PRIVACY POLICY:
I will never give or sell your contact info to anyone.

And here is the Complete One:


Please scroll down to the end of this email.


Well, the Short Answer is, I’ve been doing hands-on
bodywork and yoga therapy professionally since 1981.
I started teaching yoga in 1976. I got into alternative
studies when I was only 13 years old, a LONG time ago
in people years!

I have a reputation for solving neuromuscular & myofascial
problems of people who’ve been given up on by many of
BOTH orthodox medical and alternative healing practitioners.

I have worked with Clients and Students who’ve tried many
kinds of therapy: NMT, myofascial, acupuncture, chiropractic,
and so on, as well as having tried several kinds of drugs.

Some of my clients have done much of that plus surgery,
too. Sometimes more than one. Yet when they get to me,
nearly ALL of them have received significant improvements
beyond what they had previously achieved, if not complete
reversal of their problems.

Here’s what Dr. John Bordiuk a Medical Doctor who was
a yoga teacher before he went to med school says about
my work:

“Having experience with many different bodyworkers,
David’s technique is certainly unique. There are levels
of healing he achieves I’ve never seen before. This is
clearly a result of a vast knowledge of anatomy and
physiology combined with decades of hands-on

The Longer Answers as to how I might help you is
available at my LetGoYoga.com website, under the
Testimonial and the Bio/History pages.

Thanks Again for signing on for your Min-e-Course.

Take Care,
David Scott Lynn
DSL: Your Hi-Touch Up-Link to Your Inner-Net*
*Inner-Net: Your Psycho-Neuro-Musculo-Fascial System

David Scott Lynn (DSL)
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