• Are YOU All About Better Results?
• Are YOU Looking for Better Ways to Help
Your Clients, Students & Patients Achieve
Their Needs & Goals in Health & Fitness?
• Do YOU Want Better ANSWERS to the
Puzzles of Poor Posture, Aches &
Pains, and Dysfunction? THEN …
Discover How DSL Edgework and
Let-Go Yoga Will Open New
Dimensions for Your Skills, Your
Knowledge, and Your Practice
I’m quite glad you found this webpage. Yet I’ve no idea how you got here, what motivated you to visit, nor who you are or what you do. So… that leaves me at a distinct disadvantage, as there are many aspects of my work that might very well interest or help you.
Where do I start? … How do I know which aspects will get your attention? Which elements of what I offer you will give the most benefits for You and your Clients, Students or Patients? What will make YOU a Star Performer in your field?
Not knowing any of that, below is a list of articles on this website targeting various areas of importance. I hope you’ll find some of them useful and interesting. IF NOT, please e-mail me or leave a comment below telling my what you need, in what areas you want more insight, information or skills.
As I tell the therapists who attend my training programs, YOUR QUESTIONS are more important than my answers.
Of course, you need answers. But it’s more important that I know your questions first, before I just start talking or writing with no idea who YOU really are, what YOU already know, what YOU need to move onto the next level in your career..
My e-Mail is: dsl (at) dslyoga (dot) com
Please feel free to send me your Thoughts, your Questions and your Feedback. …
And by-the-way, I am just starting a brand new marketing effort in Southern California, and I have NO idea how fast I will become busy. So take advantage of my availability now, when I’m able to give you a lot of time and attention.
So that you know you’ve come to the right place, below is a Brief Description of what my work is, and who most benefits from participating in my group programs and private consultations. But first, what kinds of practitioners can use my methods?
Practitioners who’ve benefited from DSL Perspectives:
- Yoga Teachers
- Yoga Therapists
- Massage Therapists
- Bodyworkers (of many styles)
- Pilates Instructors
- Personal & Fitness Trainers
- Bodybuilders
- Physical Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Osteopaths & Chiropractors
- Medical Doctors
IN SHORT, any health care practitioner who wants to more fully integrate higher levels of Insight, Knowledge & Skills regarding the neuromuscular, myofascial and musculoskeletal system, or what I call the Psycho-Neuro-Musculo-Fasical-Skeletal system.
HOWEVER, I will say one thing right now:
If you are a health care practitioner who is VERY interested in deepening the Body-Mind Connection, if you are looking for a more Wholistic Experience for your Clients, AND, if you want it all grounded in VERY well-established, modern medical anatomy, kinesiology & physiology, then YOU are more likely to be very happy to have found these pages.
of Yoga/Bodywork/Whole Health Therapeutics:
— Nov. 10th & 11th, 2013]
- Only YOU Can Prevent Yoga Injuries! - February 6, 2015
- Does Psoas Cause Lordosis? - June 11, 2014
- MyoFascial Facts & Fallacies - June 7, 2014
Conscious Stretching for Health Care Professionals — No Comments
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